Seventh International Huaxia Congress of Endocrinology
30 November – 2 December 2012
New Wing, Hong Kong Convention and
Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong

Call for Abstract

Online abstract submission closed

Abstract Submission

The Organizing Committee invites submission of abstracts for presentation as free communication or poster in ENGLISH.

3 September 2012 Deadline for submission of abstract
15 September 2012 Notice of acceptance of regular abstract


4Epidemiology and Health Care Delivery
5Functional Genomic and Proteomics
6Gene and Cell Therapy
7Genetics and Epigenetics
8Inflammation, Immunology and Autoimmunity
10Receptors and Postreceptor Signaling
11Regulation of Hormone Secretion

1Adrenal Diseases
3Cardiovascular Endocrinology
5Endocrine Disruptors
6Endocrine Hypertension
7Endocrine Imaging
8Endocrine Surgery
9Endocrine Tumours
10Hormone Replacement
11Hormone Resistance Syndromes
12Inborn Errors of Metabolism
13Lipid Disorders
15Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
16Osteoporosis and Calcium Metabolism
17Pediatric Endocrinology
18Pituitary Diseases
19Reproductive Endocrinology
20Thyroid Diseases

Guidelines for Abstracts Submission

  1. The Abstract must be submitted and presented in English only.
  2. Abstract should be prepared in accordance with the editing instructions below and submitted online only.
  3. Abstracts that do not comply with the editing instructions will not be considered.
  4. Original Scientific material is welcome and preference is given to recent findings not published yet at the date of the conference.
  5. Authors should indicate on the "Abstract Submission Form" their preference for oral, poster or either form of presentation. However, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to make the final decision.
  6. Authors agree that their abstract will be published in an Abstract Book which will be distributed to all registered participants of the congress.
  7. Presenting author of accepted abstracts will receive confirmation by email. Please make sure your email address and telephone number provided on the abstract submission form is correct.
  8. Most accepted abstracts will be allocated to poster presentation. Detailed technical instructions will be made available to the authors in due time.
  9. Those presenting authors who wish to be considered for the "Young Investigator Awards" should indicate on the "Abstract Submission Form". The awards will be adjudicated by panels of international judges. The presenting author must be aged below 40, and give oral or poster presentation in English.
  10. Authors must declare the originality of their work presented.

Instructions to Authors

  1. Only the Presenting Author may submit the abstract.
  2. The abstract must be typed in English and must not exceed 1800 characters (excluding of spaces). No table or figure should be included.
  3. The title must be written in UPPER CASE (capitals). Keep it brief, clearly indicating the nature of the investigation. It should not exceed 150 characters (excluding of spaces).
  4. Give professional address for all authors: name of hospital, unit or laboratory, city and country in upper and lower case. No other indications are to be given.
  5. Abstracts should be structured in four sections as in: Objectives, Method, Results, and Conclusions.
  6. Do not indent spaces on the first line of each paragraph. Abstracts should be typed single spaced, with no space between paragraphs. Use international standards for scientific articles.
  7. Only standard abbreviations may be used without definition. Data must be given in units widely used in literature.
  8. Only essential references should be included and put in brackets at the end of the abstract: numbers in the text may refer to them.
  9. Drugs must be identified by their generic names.
  10. Abstract submitted is final, NO changes permitted.
  11. After successful submission of an abstract, you will receive an automated acknowledgment in the form of an e-letter. Authors who do not receive such confirmations should check with the Congress Secretariat.
  12. Hardcopy or fax copy of the abstract will not be accepted as a substitute for the electronic submission.